Sunday, October 15, 2006
~Plain Bored~

Finally, i've decided on my feature writing story. I guess i'll b writing about credit card frauds. Hopefully this time i can get enough info to stick to it...sighz...if I switch topics again, i'll be doomed! Today's haze is pretty bad. I can hardly see wat's beyond the Sunway Pyramid hotel! When will it ever go away?! Been downloading stuff from the internet as well =)

Sighz...don't really know what I'm crapping here. Bits and pieces of boring stuff. Guess it had been a dull day yesterday with not much goings-on. Hopefully the song Lips of an Angel was successfully transferred to YC. It's a really nice song.

p/s: I miss my bf... =(

Current playing track: Tong Hua
Current smells (Sniffs): Joy's nice smelling cooking...
Current mood: Bored and dull

grace lost pride & prejudice on 3:10 PM.