An Earthling of God's creation who simply loves this skin due to her fandom towards Pride and Prejudice
A daughter, sister and a friend
A student, roomie and a housemate
A Convent-ian, Michael-ian and a Monash-ian
A pianist, blogger and a reader
A scavenger of good food, "happenin" stuff and good friends
And most of all, a girl in search of her destiny...
She welcomes whoever u are entering her blog
She's nice and friendly but craps a lot
However, sumtimes she just abandons her poor blog
So, remind her to blog through her tagboard
And u'll hear lotsa interesting stories bout her life
She finishes her welcome note with a big
"Happy 2007"
Blogging, Pride and Prejudice, Moulin Rouge, LOTR, Happy Feet, any songs pleasant to her ears, Yin Yang and french toast fr Kim Gary,
piano and guitar, shopping, good food, 'Happenin' places, Paris Hilton, Keira Knightly, Simon Cowell, American Idol, America's Next Top Model,
dogs, the list will go on and on...
A Dream Come True
"Christmas is on the 25th of Dec and my b'day is on the 15th of March" she hints to her friends with a huge smile on her face =)
Her wishlist is long and never-ending and she'll update it be alert!
Oprah Winfrey Show 20th Anniversary DVD
Charmed DVDs
A pair of Hush Puppies shoes
A Solvil Titus watch [GOT IT!]
A keyboard in her house
A PS2 or PS3
Accessories for her brand new car
Nice furniture and decor for the place she's shifting to
And finally she wishes a good yr ahead for herself and every single person that she knows
Charmed is one of my favourite tv series...and here's a video of one of my favourite song too...any guesses who my fave actor is?lol